If you would like to be included in the listing below, please let us know.
Shop Name | Type of Shop | Telephone | Website |
Out & About Campers | High Quality Campervan Conversions | 01273 257860 | https://outandaboutcampers.co.uk/ |
C & T Radmall Funeral Service | Funeral Services | 01273 494577 | http://www.radmalls.co.uk/ |
King Fish | Takeaway Restaurant | 01273 495546 | |
All Things Covered | Picture Framing and Book Binding | 07803 611684 | https://allthingscovered.co.uk/about/ |
Heritage Products | Garden Landscaping | 01273 492752 | https://heritage-products.co.uk |
Henfield Funeral Services | Funeral Services | https://www.henfieldfuneralservices.co.uk/ | |
London House | Chinese Takeaway | 01273 493433 | |
Kebab Knight | Takeaway Restaurant | 01273 491667 | https://www.facebook.com/KebabKnightHenfield/ |
Henfield Library | Library | 01273 493587 | https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/find-my-nearest/library/details/api/type/library/view/henfield-library |
Goodness | Smoothie & Juice Bar | 07535 285836 | https://www.facebook.com/goodnesshenfield/ |
One Stop | Newsagents/Convenience Store | 01273 495824 | https://www.onestop.co.uk/ |
Jasmines | Florist | 01273 491936 | https://www.jasminesflorist.co.uk/ |
Atty & Smart | Luxury giftware and lifestyle goods | 01273 857277 | https://attyandsmart.com/ |
Pretty's | Hair & Beauty Salon | 07521 300160 | https://www.facebook.com/Prettys-hair-and-beauty-X-282041165739105/ |
Henfield Flooring | Flooring Shop | 01273 911540 | https://www.henfieldflooring.co.uk/ |
Sussex Double Glazing Repairs | Double glazing repairs | 07881 407764 | https://sussexdoubleglazingrepairs.com |
Christinas Afternoon Tea Room and Gift Shop | Tea Room & Gift Shop | 01273 494305 | https://www.facebook.com/christinasafternoontea/ |
Post Office | Post Office | 01273 492005 | https://www.postoffice.co.uk/ |
The Post House Cafe | Cafe | 01273 491040 | https://www.facebook.com/Post-house-cafe-109516283796654/ |
HJ Burt | Estate Agent | 01273 495392 | http://www.hjburt.co.uk/ |
Richwards | Estate Agent | 01273 495333 | http://www.richwards.co.uk/ |
4 Seasons Cleaners | Cleaners | 01273 495897 | https://www.facebook.com/4-Seasons-Dry-Cleaners-103542554784084 |
Hawthorn Veterinary Surgery | Veterinary Practice | 01273495227 | https://www.hawthornvets.co.uk/ |
Hamfelds Home & Garden | Home and Hardware | 01273 492388 | https://www.hamfeldshardwarestore.co.uk/ |
Pinks | Hair Salon | 01273 494948 | http://www.pinkshair.co.uk/ |
Marcus Grimes | Estate Agents | 01273 495220 | https://www.marcusgrimes.co.uk/ |
Truffles | Bakery | 01273 494469 | http://trufflesbakery.co.uk/ |
Henfield Eyecare | Opticians | 01273 494030 | https://henfieldeyecare.co.uk/ |
Age UK | Charity Shop | 01273 492958 | https://www.ageuk.org.uk/ |
Stevens | Estate Agent | 01273 492141 | https://www.stevens-estates.co.uk/ |
Sainsburys | Supermarket | 0330 013 7715 | https://stores.sainsburys.co.uk/6043/henfield-neighbourhood-hub-6043?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=yext&y_source=1_MTAwNDcwNDE4MS03MTUtbG9jYXRpb24ud2Vic2l0ZQ%3D%3D |
Jeremy's | Fresh Produce | 01273 495799 | https://www.facebook.com/jeremysofhenfield/ |
Southdown Galleries | Home, Decor, Gifts, Jewellery | 01273 493502 | |
Hair and Co | Hair Salon | 01273 492952 | https://www.hairandcompany.co.uk/ |
Al-Baddar | Gents Hair Salon | 01273 494283 | http://www.al-baddar.co.uk/ |
KT Nails | Nail Salon | 07889 047345 | |
St Barnabas House | Charity Shop | 01273 490080 | https://www.stbarnabas-hospice.org.uk/shops/henfield/ |
Gallery BN5 | Art Gallery | 01273 490080 | https://www.gallerybn5.co.uk/ |
Henfield Pharmacy | Pharmacy | 01273 492030 | https://southcoastpharmacies.co.uk/henfield-pharmacy/ |
Relish | Cafe | 01273 495551 | https://www.relishthegoodlife.co.uk/ |
Stokes of Henfield | Newsagents | 01273 492032 | https://www.facebook.com/Stokes-of-Henfield-740966782680356/ |
Henfield Antiques | Antiques | 01273 495300 | |
Cloud 9 | Car Wash | 07896 806999 | http://cloudninevaleting.co.uk/ |
S E Tyres | Mechanic | 01273 973898 | https://www.setyres.com/branch/car-tyres-henfield/4049 |
Shell Garage | Petrol Station | 01273 497030 | https://find.shell.com/gb/fuel/10019506-shell-henfield |
Pilates Evolved | Pilates | 01273 495911 | https://www.pilatesevolved.co.uk/ |
South Downs Butchery | Butcher | 01273 492555 | https://www.southdownsbutchery.co.uk/ |
R & H | Pet Supplies | 01273 495937 | |
South Downs Clinic | Podiatry and Chiropody | 01273 493467 | https://www.southdowns-clinic.co.uk/ |
Get Fit | Personal Trainer | 07808 665853 | http://www.getfit-trainer.com/ |
Cornerweighs | Health Foods | 01273 492794 | http://www.cornerweighs.co.uk/ |
PhysioFit | Pilates and Physio | 1273 590307 | https://www.facebook.com/PhysiofitGB/ |
Alices Dog Grooming | Dog grooming and walking | 01273 493199 | http://alicesdoggrooming.co.uk/ |
Bespoke Interiors | Kitchen Furniture shop | 01273 495127 | https://www.bespokeinteriorfurniture.co.uk/ |
Miss Potts | Pottery Painting Studio | 07850 656314 | https://www.facebook.com/MissPottsPottery/ |
Rushfields | Plant Shop | 01273 857445 | http://www.rushfields.com/ |
Swains Farm | Farm Shop and Garden Centre | 01273 494582 | http://www.swainsfarmshop.co.uk/Swains/welcome.html |
Henfield Private Hire | Taxi Service | 07825 794634 | https://henfieldprivatehire.co.uk/ |
Henfield Village Cars | Taxi Service | 01273 491888 | https://henfieldvillagecars.co.uk/ |
Davids Private Hire | Taxi Service | 01273 495522 | https://davids-private-hire.business.site/ |